ADiJaC - Automatic Differentiation of Java Classfiles

Online Automatic Differentiation Tool

In order to differentiate your program, we need the following information:

Source program (.java file)
The name of the top routine to be differentiated
The dependent output variables[1]
The independent input variables, with respect to what is differentiated[1]
Your e-mail, so we can send you the results[2]
Choose the differentiation type

The tool can perform the forward, forward vector, reverse, and hessian modes on the input classes and provides the differentiated bytecode.

Currently, we only support differentiation of Java files, please do not upload .class files.

Don't forget to download the adsupport classfiles - your project won't work without them! Get them here:

For more information, please check out the ADiJaC webpage on the Automatic Differentiation portal

[1] Separator: white space.<-
[2] We will only contact you to (i) send you the results of the differentiation and (ii) in case there are errors in the differentiation, so we can improve our tool. We will not disclose your e-mail with any third parties.<-